Earlier this fall, all ISBA members received a powerful free upgrade to vLex Fastcase.
Practice News
Supreme Court Justice Joy V. Cunningham has begun an application process for three judicial vacancies in the subcircuits of Cook County.
The subcircuit vacancies are for the seats of Judge Thomas W. Murphy (3rd Subcircuit, vacant effective July 3, 2024), Judge Callie L. Baird (16th Subcircuit, vacant effective April 16, 2024), and Judge John A. Fairman (19th Subcircuit, vacant effective April 29, 2024).
Leading appellate attorneys review the ten Illinois Supreme Court opinions handed down Thursday, November 21.
The Illinois Supreme Court announced the filing of lawyer disciplinary orders on November 20, 2024. Sanctions were imposed because the lawyers engaged in professional misconduct by violating state ethics law.
November 19, 2024 |
Practice News
We are pleased to share that the Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender is currently accepting applications for Spring 2025 Law Student Volunteers! Applications must be submitted by December 15, 2024 at midnight CST.
The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Access to Justice (ATJ Commission) announced today the winners of two awards, the Jeffrey D. Colman Access to Justice Award and The Hon. Thomas L. Kilbride (Ret.) Judicial Access to Justice Award. The 2024 recipients are Tiffany Schicker and Judge Thomas More Donnelly. These awards are designed to recognize and celebrate exceptional contributions to increasing access to the court system by improving the experience of litigants.
1 comment (Most recent November 20, 2024) -
In civil and criminal matters, practitioners are confronted with vast amounts of electronic data produced by cellphones that are in constant contact with cell towers, cloud services, and cellphone providers. Recently, however, under Carpenter v.
November 15, 2024 |
Practice News
The Judicial Conference of the United States has authorized the appointment of a full-time United States magistrate judge for the Central District of Illinois at Peoria. The annual salary is $223,836. The eight-year term begins upon appointment. A court’s essential function is to dispense justice. A community’s belief that a court dispenses justice is heightened when the court reflects the community’s racial, ethnic, and gender diversity.
Leading appellate attorneys review the two Illinois Supreme Court criminal opinions handed down Thursday, November 14.
Hannah Brenner Johnson, professor of law and vice dean for academic affairs at California Western School of Law, will become the next dean of the Southern Illinois University Simmons Law School.
Sheryl Tucker, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs, today (Nov. 14) announced Brenner Johnson's appointment, effective July 1, subject to approval by the SIU Board of Trustees.
The national search for dean included a “very competitive pool of highly qualified candidates,” said Tucker, adding that Brenner Johnson “was the desired candidate across all constituents.”