The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is set to expire at the end of 2025 …. will your clients be ready? And, more importantly, are you equipped with the information you need to advise them? Don’t miss this informative presentation that reviews the history of the federal estate and gift tax exemption, explores the different planning strategies and opportunities available to your clients, and shows you how to assess your clients’ circumstances when deciding whether the client is a good fit for a particular recommendation.
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Leading appellate attorneys review the Illinois Supreme Court opinions handed down Friday, January 24.
The Illinois Supreme Court announced the filing of lawyer disciplinary orders on January 24, 2025. Sanctions were imposed because the lawyers engaged in professional misconduct by violating state ethics law.
Justice Mary K. O’Brien and the Illinois Supreme Court have announced the appointment of Sonni Choi Williams as a Circuit Judge in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit, Third Subcircuit.4 comments (Most recent February 13, 2025)
In 1978, the ISBA created LAWPAC (the Illinois Lawyers’ Political Action Committee). LAWPAC’s purpose is simple—to support the legislative goals of the ISBA and the legal profession of Illinois. It is administered by an independent, bi-partisan Board of Trustees of four Republicans and four Democrats. LAWPAC makes contributions to candidates for nomination or election to the Illinois General Assembly. The determination of the political contributions to be made in furtherance of the purposes of Illinois LAWPAC are at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
Starting and running a food or ag-tech company comes with a myriad of issues that your client must know about and consider – from what information is required on product labeling and which type of insurance offers the best protection for their investment, to the BIPA warnings they need be aware of and the preferred entity types to consider.
In their January 2025 Illinois Bar Journal article, “Powerful or Powerless?,” Thomas Osran and Robert Held focus on amendments to the Illinois Power of Attorney Act that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2025. Osran and Held note the amendments will help when third parties refuse to honor validly drafted and executed POAs. But, unhelpfully (and perhaps fatally), they add, the law creates no new teeth to enforce unreasonable refusals to honor valid POAs and lists 14 new ways for banks and others to legally refuse to honor otherwise valid POAs.
During the 2024 Joint Midyear Meeting, the Illinois State Bar Association hosted a Member Appreciation Reception on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024, at the JW Marriott in Chicago. Members enjoyed the popular raffle baskets as well as food, drinks, and entertainment by the Korean Performing Arts Institute of Chicago.
On Friday, Dec. 13, 2024, ISBA members attended the All Bar Holiday Reception honoring the Supreme Court of Illinois at the conclusion of the 2024 Joint Midyear Meeting, which was held at the JW Marriott in Chicago.
January 17, 2025 |
Practice News
The Illinois Human Rights Commission is now accepting applications for the Edward Coles Summer Fellowship, which begins on June 2, 2025. Coles Fellows are student-interns who will work with Administrative Law Judges and attorneys in the Office of General Counsel to manage and adjudicate civil rights lawsuits that are brought before the Commission.To apply, law school students should submit a resume, a cover-letter, a transcript, and a writing sample to