Articles on Senior Lawyers

Illinois Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption Application Procedures—Updated By Leonard F. Amari Trusts and Estates, January 2021 The Illinois General Assembly amended the Property Tax Code to revise application procedures for the senior citizens homestead exemption. 
Illinois Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption Application Procedures—Updated By Leonard F. Amari Real Estate Law, January 2021 The Illinois General Assembly amended the Property Tax Code to revise application procedures for the senior citizens homestead exemption. 
Illinois Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption Application Procedures—Updated By Leonard F. Amari Elder Law, January 2021 The Illinois General Assembly amended the Property Tax Code to revise application procedures for the senior citizens homestead exemption. 
Tax Increment Financing in Illinois: A Primer By Leonard F. Amari Senior Lawyers, January 2021 Over the last 50 years, tax increment financing has become a tool to aid development and eliminate blight in Illinois.
1 comment (Most recent January 23, 2021)
Illinois Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption Application Procedures—Updated By Leonard F. Amari Senior Lawyers, November 2020 The Illinois General Assembly amended the Property Tax Code to revise application procedures for the senior citizens homestead exemption. 
Memories of World Travels By Stephen G. Baime Senior Lawyers, November 2020 One attorney's favorite travel memories.
You Are Retired, But You Can Still Provide Pro Bono Services in Your Community! By Timothy J. Howard Senior Lawyers, November 2020 You can continue to contribute to your community and feel good by undertaking a few pro bono projects in retirement.
1 comment (Most recent November 19, 2020)
Are You Sure Indiana Jones Started This Way? By Lawrence Taliana Senior Lawyers, September 2020 A look at a release form drafted under challenging circumstances.
Book Review: ‘Black Site: The CIA in the Post-9/11 World’ By Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, September 2020 A summary of the 2019 book 'Black Site: The CIA in the Post-9/11 World' by Phillip Mudd.
ZOOM into the Future (and the Present) By Hon. Barb Crowder, (ret.) Senior Lawyers, September 2020 Step-by-step instructions for joining a Zoom meeting.
Traveling Safe & Smart Overseas With Internet-Enabled Electronic Devices By William Austin Senior Lawyers, June 2020 Things to consider if you travel with internet-enabled electronic devices.
1 comment (Most recent June 29, 2020)
What Is My Practice Worth? By John H. Maville Senior Lawyers, March 2020 A look at the various ways of measuring the value of a law practice.
1 comment (Most recent March 30, 2020)
How to Post in the Senior Lawyer’s ISBA Central Community By Don Mateer Senior Lawyers, December 2019 Step-by-step instructions to post to the ISBA Central Senior Lawyer's Community.
A Fun and Sometimes Challenging App By Don Mateer Senior Lawyers, September 2019 Insight into an engaging, free, and unique word puzzle game.
2 comments (Most recent September 26, 2019)
Is Africa on Your Bucket List? By Hon. Patrick J. Leston, (ret.) Senior Lawyers, September 2019 Hon. Patrick J. Leston recalls his visits to Africa.
2 comments (Most recent September 18, 2019)
LSAT or GRE: Which Exam Should a Law School Applicant Take? By Leonard Amari Senior Lawyers, September 2019 There is a growing trend in law school admissions to accept GRE scores instead of LSAT scores—so which should applicants take?
New Elder/Adult Abuse Fatality Review Team Resources Available By Lori A. Stiegel Senior Lawyers, September 2019 Elder/adult abuse fatality review teams examine deaths caused by or related to mistreatment to identify system gaps and improve victim services.
Proposed Change to Illinois Statute of Repose for Attorney Malpractice By Janet Grove Senior Lawyers, September 2019 At the 2019 ISBA Annual Meeting in June, the Assembly approved support for a proposed change in the Illinois statute of repose applicable to attorney malpractice for estate planning.
Why I Fish By Herb Franks Senior Lawyers, September 2019 Although being a senior lawyer has its perks, it is important to find enjoyable ways to unwind.
2 comments (Most recent March 7, 2020)
This is when you know it may be time to ‘hang it up’ as a lawyer By Mark D. Hassakis Senior Lawyers, May 2019 Signs it is time to consider retiring from the practice of law.
Why file the last will and testament? By Michael J. Maslanka Trusts and Estates, May 2019 Many clients with whom you consult may be surprised to learn that Illinois law requires that the will of a decedent must be filed with the clerk of the circuit court shortly after the decedent's death.
Basic computers for seniors: The next step By Don Mateer Senior Lawyers, March 2019 An overview of the upcoming program Basic Computers for Seniors: The Next Step, which will be held in Bloomington on May 15.
Calling senior lawyers! By Tim Howard Senior Lawyers, January 2019 An overview of opportunities for attorneys and judges to volunteer their time in their communities toward the advancement of civics education.
Book review: Being Mortal By Gary T. Rafool Senior Lawyers, November 2018 A summary of the 2014 book Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End.
Death, disability, disappearance, or disbarment By Richard C. Goodwin Senior Lawyers, November 2018 Things to consider for responsibly planning the closing of your law office.
Why file the last will and testament? By Michael J. Maslanka Senior Lawyers, November 2018 Many clients with whom you consult may be surprised to learn that Illinois law requires that the will of a decedent must be filed with the clerk of the circuit court shortly after the decedent's death.
From the chair By Timothy J. Howard Senior Lawyers, June 2018 A message from the chair, Timothy J. Howard, as the bar years comes to a close.
October CLE riches By Eugenia C. Hunter Senior Lawyers, October 2016 The month of October overflows with live CLE programs specially designed for senior lawyers, presented by the Senior Lawyers Section Council.    
How to stay young By John W. Damisch Senior Lawyers, June 2016 John W. Damisch spent his 90th birthday downhill skiing-- see the photo proof!
How and why you should join the Senior Lawyers Discussion Group By Don Mateer Senior Lawyers, June 2015 A step-by-step guide to signing up for the Senior Lawyers Discussion Group, where you can chat with and ask questions of more than 300 fellow senior lawyers.

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