In 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that U.S. citizens have no constitutional right to abortion and overturned Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992). This decision ultimately returned power to each individual state to regulate the legality of abortions. Join us for a comprehensive look at how the country has responded since the Supreme Court Dobbs decision, the historical and legal insight surrounding this topic, what to expect in a post- Roe society, and Illinois’ legal and legislative posture since this decision.
The Corporate Transparency Act reporting begins January 1, 2024 – will you be ready to advise your clients? Join us for this in-depth look at the requirements for reporting information about state law entities, their beneficial owners, and “applicants.”
The Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters were originally released in 2010, with the revised edition being published in December 2022. The Guidelines were written to provide a trustworthy resource for the housing, husbandry, medical, and behavioral care of animals living in animal shelters. Rather than being prescriptive or operational, the recommendations focus on meeting the animals’ needs, while recognizing that there are many ways in which to do this. The Guidelines offer evidence-based support to those caring for animals in shelters, rescues, fosters, sanctuaries, and other population settings. Don’t miss this important program that discusses the utility of these standards as attorneys face issues relevant to animal sheltering.
Get the information you need to advise your clients on their long-term care needs, Medicare, and Medicaid with this informative online program.
How your clients deal with stress in certain situations will vary by individual – and may result in challenges for your representation. Don’t miss this in-depth look at real-world issues when working with business clients who are experiencing highly stressful situation, such as overwhelming debt, business failure, and oppressive litigation.
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Terrence Hake as he recounts how he worked undercover for the FBI during the 1980s by posing as a corrupt prosecutor accepting bribes from attorneys and, later, as an attorney in private practice making payoffs to Cook County judges and court personnel for the dismissal of cases. The investigation, known as “Operation Greylord,” resulted in bribery and tax charges being filed against 103 judges, lawyers, and other court personnel, and is one of the FBI’s most successful undercover investigations.
ISBA’s 15 hours of Free On-Demand CLE member benefit allow you to choose from over 750 hours of programming on a broad range of topics. This benefit results from the tireless efforts of many dedicated ISBA volunteer CLE program coordinators working with the ISBA CLE Committee and staff who plan and produce programs presented by our sections and committees. We proudly recognize those coordinators responsible for CLE programs presented throughout our 2022-23 Bar year. Please join us as we thank them for all they do to enhance the profession!
Due to the popularity of this program, which was originally presented on July 20, 2023, we are offering it again as a video replay. Speakers from the original program will be available throughout the video replay to answer attendee questions.
Mediation is designed to resolve differences both in and out of the courts. It requires a very different mindset than courtroom litigation. This Master Series program trains practitioners to resolve conflicts in a non-adversarial, non-confrontational manner, allowing peaceful resolutions between parties. The program is taught by Case Ellis, Missy Greathouse, and Jerald Kessler – nationally recognized mediators, authors, educators, and full-time alternative dispute resolution practitioners.
Don’t miss ISBA’s 5th Annual Abraham Lincoln’s Legal Legacy seminar as we take an in-depth look at how inventions and advancements in science and technology create opportunities for lawyers to represent innovators, as well as those clients who are disrupted by the innovation (including the legal profession). The program takes place at the Rock Island Arsenal Museum located on the historic island that supported part of the railroad bridge subject to Lincoln’s famous case of Hurd et al v. Rock Island Bridge Company (often called the Effie Afton trial.)