A leading appellate attorney reviews the Illinois Supreme Court opinion handed down Friday, February 16.
Practice News
Insurance organizations partner to provide a complete suite of property and casualty insurance products to Illinois solo and small law firms.
ISBA Mutual Insurance Company, the #1 insurer of Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance for law firms in Illinois, and Sidebar Insurance Solutions, Inc., an Orland Park based insurance agency specializing in structuring insurance programs for law firms have established a partnership to ensure that Illinois solo lawyers and small firms, have access to a comprehensive suite of insurance coverages to protect their firms.
In his article February Illinois Bar Journal article, “Crafting an Effective Generative AI-Policy,” Carlos Cisneros notes that among the risk factors of using generative online artificial intelligence tools are whether content entered into a generative-AI tool’s prompt becomes the property of the AI company and whether confidential and biometric information is protected after being entered into an AI system. With this in mind, Cisneros recommends that lawyers should verify whether use of AI is covered by their malpractice insurance policy.
In his fifth and final article in his five-part Illinois Bar Journal series on trial advocacy, Gino L. DiVito focuses on the losing argument, which he says possess a unique status within trial advocacy. In his article, “What I Learned From Teaching Trial Advocacy: The Closing Argument,” published in the IBJ’s February issue, DiVito writes, closing arguments “occupy the climactic arguments in books, plays, movies, stories, and real trials. But persuasion does not magically occur based on the power of closing arguments. If you haven’t done the job of persuasion from the opening gun—if, during the other parts of trial, jurors haven’t accompanied you on the road toward victory—persuasion is unlikely to result from your closing arguments. … Nonetheless, closing arguments deservedly earn the mystique they generate.”
The Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) is hiring for an Attorney Program Manager. Under the leadership and supervision of the Managing Attorney, this is a full-time position based in Southern Illinois.
In a roundup of two recent Illinois State Bar Association CLE programs, the Illinois Bar Journal’s February cover story, “Artificial Intelligence and the Authentic Attorney,” observes that just as an attorney’s time is well spent considering the benefits and drawbacks of AI, the same can be said for keeping in mind best practices for communicating clearly and effectively with clients and colleagues.
A leading appellate attorney reviews the Illinois Supreme Court opinion handed down Thursday, February 1.
Chief Justice Mary Jane Theis and the Illinois Supreme Court have announced the appointment of Yolanda Harris Sayre as a Circuit Judge in the 5th Subcircuit of Cook County.
The Governor’s Office is seeking qualified candidates to fill vacancies for the position of Public Administrator / Public Guardian in Bond, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Edgar, Effingham, Fayette, Greene, Jasper, Jefferson, Lawrence, Macoupin, Marion, McDonough, Mercer, Montgomery, Richland, Shelby, Washington, and Wayne Counties.
In In re Parentage of A.H., a complicated child-support case that stretched over three countries and involved a recalcitrant noncustodial parent, the First District of the Illinois Appellate Court found several reasons for forcing the creation of a section 503(g) trust, most of which concerned the noncustodial parent.