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2017 Articles

Summary of Senate Bill 69— The technical corrections to the income share child support legislation By Margaret A. Bennett March 2017 An overview of the changes outlined in this legislation, which is currently making its way through the Illinois General Assembly.
2 comments (Most recent March 26, 2017)
What family law practitioners need to know about cyberstalking By Marie K. Sarantakis May 2017 Today’s family law attorney must have a cursory understanding of the legal framework concerning privacy issues in order to adequately instruct their clients about actions for which they may be found civilly and/or criminally liable.
What needs to be in a good order of protection petition? By Sally K. Kolb March 2017 This article will help walk a practitioner through the process of fact-gathering, properly preparing and filing the Verified Petition for Order of Protection, and representing the Petitioner in an Emergency Order of Protection.
When to award attorney fees in divorce cases according to the Illinois Supreme Court By Rachael Bernal April 2017 In In re Heroy, the Illinois Supreme Court recently tackled the question of whether and when to award attorney fees in divorce cases.
Why does maintenance terminate upon remarriage? By Matthew A. Kirsh November 2017 The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act is 40 years old. The world has changed. Societal norms have changed. Perhaps, in light of all this change, it is time to examine whether a change to the maintenance termination law is also appropriate.
2 comments (Most recent November 16, 2017)