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2002 Articles

Twinning Project revisited October 2002 The Illinois State Bar Association and the Naczelnej Rady Adwokackiej (National Bar Association of Poland) have had a working relationship since 1990.
Understanding the ABA international law Web site By Kate McDonough June 2002 My assignment was to monitor the ABA Web site located at I found that the site was useful in some respects and not as much in others. The site had a location entitled, "Legislative and Governmental Priorities" which was located under the home page for the International Law Section.
United Nations International Law Web page By Heather Ottenfeld April 2002 The official United Nations ("UN") Web site ( is a maze of resources that allows a visitor too easily link to the various areas of international law.
Update on the future Hague Convention on International Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters By Violeta I. Balan December 2002 A decade ago, the United States proposed a convention that would make it easier to enforce foreign judgments.